Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Finance Officers, Final Year University Students, Professionals working on EXCEL & Anyone who wants to explore EXCEL.
Introduction:Are you ready to take your Excel skills to the next level?Do you want to pursue a career in Excel related work?Are you finding that employers these days want 'Advanced Excel Skills'?Or maybe you've started a new job that requires more advanced Excel skills. Do you struggle with Excel?Not sure which formula to use for your situation?Are you tired spending hours online trying to get "RIGHT" help?When asked to make a dashboard or report, not sure where to start?Module K – 15 Excel Functions Refresher, Module J – Exclusive Templates, Module I – Additional Learning 2 – Advanced Excel – More Scenario Examples, Module H – Additional Learning 1 – Dashboard Reporting in Excel with Tips, Module G – Modern Excel – DAX and Power Query, Module F – Pivot Table, Module E – Excel Charts and Visualizations, Module D – Data Analysis, Module C – Excel Formulas and Functions, Module B – Excel Essentials, Module A – Excel Basics (for Beginners)Our Excel course is designed to take you from zero to hero so you can confidently list 'Advanced Excel Skills' on your resume/CV, or quickly get to grips with the requirements of a new job. I have used the Excel 2021 / Office 365 to record these videos. Almost everything covered in this course will work for all the Excel versions (2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 & Office 365). There are a few things missing in the prior versions, and I call it out in the videos (for example, flash fill is only available in versions after 2013. Dynamic Array Formulas will be available in Excel 2021 and Office 365 only. )
Our Excel course is designed to take you from zero to hero so you can confidently list 'Advanced Excel Skills' on your resume/CV
Dashboard Reporting in Excel with Tips
Advanced Excel - More Scenario Examples, Data Analysis, Pivot Table
Modern Excel - DAX and Power Query
Microsoft Excel for Data & Business Analytics
Microsoft Excel for Data & Business Analytics